bluplanet plants trees for climate protection

bluplanet pflanzt Bäume für den Klimaschutz

bluplanet plants trees for climate protection

Climate change affects us all. Rising temperatures and increased CO2 emissions are increasingly causing long-term and serious environmental damage that is difficult to reverse.

Reforestation in Germany's forests is one of the many ways to take real action on the ground. Trees are part of a sensational ecosystem in that they convert harmful CO2 into oxygen. In interaction with other plants and a variety of animal species, they make a significant contribution to curbing man-made climate damage.

We at bluplanet want to make our contribution to the fight against climate change! And that's why we are part of the Salesforce initiative, which wants to give something back to the planet. Because companies are the platform for change. The initiative has committed to planting 100,000,000 trees by 2030 and has already met 44% of this global goal.

On September 29 our employees joined Salesforce and other supporters of Wald4Leben to go into the forest to plant new trees in Austria. This team event showed everyone once again that you can really make a difference and be part of something bigger together.

Many thanks to all who were part of it. We look forward to many more initiatives that need a helping hand.

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